John, You can agree to tune to 443 but it will take a pitchraise & tuning to stabilize at 443 and a pitchlower & tuning to stabilize back to 440. There will be some extra charges! The orchestra does have its instruments set up for 443 so it would behoove you to comply, but not without compensation... David Ilvedson, RPT Date sent: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 20:17:56 -0400 (EDT) From: "John D. Chapman" <> To: Subject: A443 Send reply to: > The Vienna Chamber Orchestra is playing here next month and they have > asked that the piano be tuned to A443. No problem, although I would > rather not. But I was just wondering,... How high can we safely take the > pitch of a Steinway D? > > John Chapman, RPT > Piano Technician > Wake Forest University > Winston-Salem, North Carolina > > > David Ilvedson, RPT Pacifica, CA
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