John, I raised our D Steinway concert piano to 444 for the International Double Reed Society convention this Summer. Two tunings up and two tuning down. It is now stabilized after a month of concert use and shows no problem for this raise. I allowed 2 weeks on either side of the event for the pitch to be established. I feel this is the most important part of the raise so the piano will be stable and you won't be struggling with the pitch level. Raising the pitch to this level is not my desire, however for very special events I obviously do it. During the regular concert season I would advise not to disrupt the pitch level. Joel >The Vienna Chamber Orchestra is playing here next month and they have >asked that the piano be tuned to A443. No problem, although I would >rather not. But I was just wondering,... How high can we safely take the >pitch of a Steinway D? > >John Chapman, RPT >Piano Technician >Wake Forest University >Winston-Salem, North Carolina
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