Hello, Doug(y)

Newton Hunt nhunt@optonline.net
Thu Oct 11 20:17 MDT 2001

Use a spread sheet or a database program.

List every piano, location, room, date serviced, what was done, when, by
whom, real market value of work and then have calculated fields for the
next tuning or service.

Divide the pianos into class room, office, studio 1, studio 2, practice
room, performance, out of service.  Then decide how often each should be
tuned, three times a year, four times a year, once a year, whatever. 
>From the last service calculate when the next service is due.

POST THE ENTIRE LIST SO EVERYONE can see when theirs was tuned last and
where they fit in the schedule.

I did mine in a spread sheet, but I made the mistake of not posting the
schedule.  When they all know where they fit in the scheme of things you
get very little flack about when they need theirs tuned.

Keep a record of the inventory numbers as well as serial numbers.  Come
inventory they want that inventory number and they was to see the bloody
thing with their own eyes.

It took me a full year before I knew where every piano was, two out of
145 were in a room I didn't know existed.  [sigh]

If you are interested I can send you a copy of my working sheet.  It is
in Lotus 123r2.3, old DOS thing (I still use it) but Excel will load it,
I think.  Formulas may not translate but you will get the idea.


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