---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment In a message dated 2/6/2003 7:39:25 AM Pacific Standard Time, atodd@UH.EDU writes: > Subj: Re: 'D' buzz > Date: 2/6/2003 7:39:25 AM Pacific Standard Time > From: <A HREF="mailto:atodd@UH.EDU">atodd@UH.EDU</A> > Reply-to: <A HREF="mailto:caut@ptg.org">caut@ptg.org</A> > To: <A HREF="mailto:caut@ptg.org">caut@ptg.org</A> > Sent from the Internet > > > Avery What about loose A soundboard button, a loose washer roun the bell bolt, geez I dunno but it sounds frustrasting. Sorry Dale Erwin > Fred, > > Thanks, but unfortunately it isn't on one. :-) > > Avery > > > I'll just second the suggestion of looking at the spider truck, if > >it's on one. I have found buzzes emanating from a few places on trucks - > >very troublesome, hard to find (spacially they often seemed to be from the > >soundboard), and intermittent. Move the piano and it's gone (often). > >Fred Sturm > >University of New Mexico > > > >Avery Todd wrote: > > > >> Susan, > >> > >> With the help of someone holding the lid up for me, I've checked > >> and/or tightened every screw I could get a screwdriver into. :-) > >> Underneath the > >> piano, too. The lids were lifted off with three people doing it, one on > >> each "corner", so it's doubtful there was any appreciable strain. I've > >> also checked the hinge pins and they all seem very snug. > >> > >> Something dropped near the tail is my guess. Gregg's suggestion to use > >> a flashlight and dentist's mirror is a "duh, why I didn't I think of > >> that" type of thing. :-) Thanks Greg. Haven't I see that type of mirror > >> in hardware and Home Depot type stores? > >> > >> Thanks again for all the great ideas. If I EVER find anything specific, > >> I'll let you all know what it was. > >> > >> Avery ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/42/49/cf/38/attachment.htm ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--
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