[CAUT] hands & wrists

Alan McCoy amccoy@mail.ewu.edu
Tue, 01 Nov 2005 12:25:15 -0800


If you are like me and have used your hammer for years and really like it,
you can buy (or make) a ball end for your hammer. I bought one finally this
summer in Kansas City. With a little gaffers tape as a shim it fits
perfectly on my trusty old Yamaha hammer that I have used for 20 years. I
love having the ball on the end. That sore middle knuckle of your hammer
hand will go away.

Another thought on this thread. Try tuning verticals "left-handed" with your
left hand on the hammer and right pounding the keys. I actually learned
tuning left-handed but switched to my right hand for grands a long time ago.
Switch hitting helps spread the load out over more joints. Once you get used
to tuning verticals left-handed, you will prefer it.

It's not too late to switch, even for an old guy.



-- Alan McCoy, RPT
Eastern Washington University

> From: <ed440@mindspring.com>
> Reply-To: <ed440@mindspring.com>, "College and University Technicians
> <caut@ptg.org>" <caut@ptg.org>
> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2005 19:33:15 -0500 (GMT-05:00)
> To: <caut@ptg.org>
> Subject: Re: [CAUT] hands & wrists
>> I suggest you try using a ball end hammer.
>> Ed S
> Wim wrote:
> With all the pounding I do with my left hand fingers, especially the middle
> one, I expected that hand to be the first to suffer from some sort of ailment.
> But the middle finger of my right hand, the tuning lever hand, is what is
> bothering me. In the morning when I first get up, I can hardly bend it, but
> then later in the day, I can't straighten it out. I hold the hammer by the
> end, and do not have a ball on the end of my lever. The only thing I can
> attribute it to is racquet ball. I play hard about 2 or 3 times a week for
> about an hour and a half. But it doesn't hurt while I'm playing.
> Wim 

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