[CAUT] Our Health ...

Bob Hull hullfam5@yahoo.com
Tue, 1 Nov 2005 22:23:07 -0800 (PST)

The recent discussions on physical problems, some
quite serious, have hopefully made all of us think
about taking more precautionary measures for our
health.  What I used to think of as an option, I now
view differently.

Brent, I am sorry for the problems you are
experiencing and I appreciate your alert to all of us.
We will be thinking about you and wishing you strength
and comfort.  

Environmental hazards, such as loud noises, affect
people differently, according to my audiologist.  One
piano technician may tune for 25 years and never
experience tinnitus, while another may tune in a
similar fashion for just a few years and experience
hearing damage.  Diet, rest, stress and other
ingredients in our daily life can play a part in our
bodies ability to heal and cope.

Other physical damages can result from our profession
in which there is so much repetitive use.  And yet, it
is necessary to try to tune 4 or more pianos in a day
in order to make a decent income.  Often, a couple of
these tunings will be pitch raises and there the
repetition of motion and sound impact increases. 
Then, on top of all this, for CAUT techs we do most of
our work in small rooms where the db level may be even
greater!  It makes me think about what I charge per

I have made an appointment with an ENT and the
audiologist and I will take every step necessary to
avert any further damage now that I have heard from
some of you.  I used to think of hearing protection as
something I probably should do.  Now, I see it as an
absolutely essential, non-optional part of my
equipment and daily routine.  Thanks for the input!!

Like Brent said, this topic should be front cover of
the journal and not just once, but periodically.  Lest
we forget...

Bob Hull

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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