[CAUT] Kawai Regulation

Ron Nossaman rnossaman@cox.net
Thu, 03 Nov 2005 20:47:23 -0600

> Why would checking height matter? 

Because the closer the checking at the end of the key stroke, the 
closer the check will be to the hammer tail at the beginning. What's 
the key dip? A deeper dip will likely get you a bit more backcheck 
room and more blow distance. It's a balancing act, and you will 
probably have to split the difference between dip, blow, aftertouch 
and checking height to make it work.

> I would steer clear from any used 
> piano at a special price from this area.  I may post some pictures later 
> if I think the list won’t mind. 

I wouldn't.

Ron N

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