[CAUT] Balance rail on D

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Tue, 8 Nov 2005 17:34:46 EST

<<  The main problem is  the 
balance rail pins. They are very loose in the rail and the keys are  very 
pulley. I can glue size the balance rail holes on the keys, but do any of  
have experience either replacing the just the rail, or should I glue  size 
holes? >>

       I believe that a swab of West Epoxy in the holes should tighten them 
up considerably.  remember to put a black stripe (with a Magic Marker), along 
the front of all the pins so that your key spacing is not completely screwed up 
when you return them to the holes.  Also, keep the height the same! 
     I did this once before and the pins are still tight after approx. 15 
years.  A strip of masking tape along the bottom of the rail will keep things a 
little cleaner.  

Ed Foote RPT 

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