[CAUT] which article

Wimblees@aol.com Wimblees@aol.com
Tue, 8 Nov 2005 21:44:43 EST

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A couple of weeks ago I asked you guys about a topic for an Economic  Affairs 
article in the Journal. The response I got was basically about the  
advantages and disadvantages of being a CAUT. I've written a rough draft of  that 
If you recall, I sent out a post saying I had asked that question back in  
August, and the suggestion at that time was you wanted to see something about  
part time contracts. I forgot that I started writing an article about that,  
because it is on my computer at home.
So I'm asking for some advice. Do you want to see an article on the  
advantages and disadvantages of being a CUAT, or do you want to see something on  
contracts for part timers?  
My personal preference is leaning towards the ads and disads, primarily  
because I think the contract article should be written for someone who has a lot  
more experience with them that I do. But I'll leave it up to you guys. 

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