[CAUT] Balance rail on D

Keith Roberts kpiano@goldrush.com
Tue, 8 Nov 2005 21:34:23 -0800

I had a knabe upright with .152  pins that were bad. I taped the bottom of
the rail with good duct tape and filled the holes with water several times.
After it dried a .146 pin went in easy but had to be pushed in. I bought
some water based wicking epoxy that is made for restoring delaminating
plywood and such on boats. It is designed to suck into small cracks and soak
into the wood. Repeated applications will fill the cracks. After watching a
quarter of a cup get soaked into the holes (no slop at all) and  drying, I
had to drive the .146 pins in. Any tighter and I would have had to ream them
out. I was almost bending them as I drove them in.
I think the water base stuff swelled the wood far more than CA glue does. I
liked it. I'm going to use it as a prep for epoxy treating a bridge next
time I have to do that.

Keith R

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