[CAUT] impact hammer

Otto Keyes okeyes@uidaho.edu
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 11:13:31 -0800

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Jim Busby wrote:  =20
only 2 pianos!)

Jeff Tanner wrote:   =20
I didn't have as much patience as you did....I "tuned at" about two =
octaves and just felt like I would never be able to have any confidence =
in the stability of the tuning,  =20

*&^%*()(%$%# thing won't work!  Must be the %^*&X@# hammer's fault! =20

If you guys had started out learning to tune with that level of patience =
& commitment you'd still be digging ditches!!  Try fishing that thing =
out of the tuba & give it another shot.  :-)  Ignorance is nothing to be =
ashamed of....except when it's passed off as authority.  ;-)


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