[CAUT] impact hammer, Wurlitzer piano

Ron Nossaman rnossaman@cox.net
Fri, 11 Nov 2005 22:12:48 -0600

> Ohhhhhh I liked the way the pins felt..............    But I've been told
> I'm crazy.......  Wim knows a bit 'bout that.  So this may be just one more
> indicator...
> les bartlett

I like them too, or at least don't dislike them. I have one here 
that I tune yearly. Initially, it's a struggle. I have transient 
visions of pushing the tuning lever with my feet as I brace my back 
under the raised lid, but by the time I have the temperament set, 
I've adapted and the rest of the tuning is no particular problem. I 
appreciate the utter lack of slop, angst, and fudge with this 
system. You crank it to where you want it, settle it in with minimum 
flagpoling and back torque, and it stays where you put it. No 
mystery, no drama.


Ron N

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