[CAUT] impact hammer, Wurlitzer piano

Fred Sturm fssturm@unm.edu
Sat, 12 Nov 2005 10:51:23 -0700

On 11/11/05 9:12 PM, "Ron Nossaman" <rnossaman@cox.net> wrote:

>> Ohhhhhh I liked the way the pins felt..............    But I've been told
>> I'm crazy.......  Wim knows a bit 'bout that.  So this may be just one more
>> indicator...
>> les bartlett
> I like them too, or at least don't dislike them. I have one here
> that I tune yearly. Initially, it's a struggle. I have transient
> visions of pushing the tuning lever with my feet as I brace my back
> under the raised lid, but by the time I have the temperament set,
> I've adapted and the rest of the tuning is no particular problem. I
> appreciate the utter lack of slop, angst, and fudge with this
> system. You crank it to where you want it, settle it in with minimum
> flagpoling and back torque, and it stays where you put it. No
> mystery, no drama.
> Next!
> Ron N

Different strokes for different folks. Actually, I think my negative
reaction has mostly to do with the pins on mine being too tight. It's the
extraordinary effort needed to get a tiny movement of the pin. If it were a
lower torque I would probably like it. Even a little lower torque. Maybe
someone tapped all the wedges at some point or something. I can't think of a
way to reverse that with any precision.
Fred Sturm
University of New Mexico

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