[CAUT] Tools in the car

Michelle Stranges stranges@Oswego.EDU
Mon, 14 Nov 2005 10:25:28 -0500

Hi folks..

Maybe it's me and my (more than a titch) anxiety/OCD but I am  
wondering about leaving gear out in my car regularly.

Yeah- it could get stolen too. (I have insurance, but still...)

Here's my question:

My gear as well as all of ours, gets on the heavy side. I'm lazy.
Most nights I *do* bring it in the house- and mostly out of concern  
of theft and my accu-cheater getting damaged by the temperature.

But I am wondering if all my expensive tools might not apprieciate  
the same consideration?
Can these become damaged/rusted/??? Should I just make a habit of  
bringing my gear in every night?

I leave strings and stringing tools outside all the time- but I'm   
now wondering about all these as well.
I know LOTS of people who regularly leave their stuff in the car.





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