Re: [CAUT] Bösendorfer

Avery Todd
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 09:16:22 -0600

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Thanks for the suggestion, Ed. I just did.

Ed Swenson also recommended that pitch but then Jurgen made his post. So I'm
very interested in what they'll suggest.


At 06:52 AM 11/17/2005, you wrote:
>Why don't you contact Beunk & Wennink and ask them what pitch they=
>Ed S.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Avery Todd
>Sent: Nov 16, 2005 12:50 PM
>To: College and University Technicians
>Subject: [CAUT] B=F6sendorfer
>We just received yesterday an 1840 B=F6sendorfer that has been at Rice
>University for a while but has now been donated to us.
>It was restored by a company in Holland called Beunk & Wennink. Below
>is a link to their website.
>Does anyone have any experience with these? Specifically regulation type
>of things? The tech who's been taking care of it at Rice told me that as
>far as he knew, it'd never been tuned to anything higher than A-430.
>It seems to be in really good shape but I'm sure something will come up
>eventually where I'll need to know how to work on it. :-)
>Avery Todd, RPT
>Moores School of Music
>University of Houston
>Houston, TX 77204-4017

Avery Todd, RPT
Moores School of Music
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-4017=20

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