[CAUT] HT Question

A440A@aol.com A440A@aol.com
Fri, 18 Nov 2005 17:09:57 EST

Alan writes:

It made me figure out how to add user temperaments to my RCT (laptop).
I added the Silbermann 1/6 comma meantone last night and will get 
around to some others not already included in the Historical 
Temperaments list on RCT. >>

         You may want to include the Moore and Co. temperament as well as the 
"Broadwood's Best"(from Jorgensen). 
I am finding more and more of my customers prefer the slight relaxation of 
equality in their temperament, and both of these tunings create the historical 
tonal palette without taking the thirds beyond 18 cents.  
    To our "tuner's ears", those wider thirds can sound out of place when 
played in isolation, but musically, the effect is profound and obviously 
attractive to a lot of musicians.  There is even a commercial recording studio here on 
Music Row that has a piano in a slight well temperament.  We are not 
advertising that it is tuned differently, but more and more musicians are remarking on 
the piano's "sound".  They like it and they don't know why!  

Ed Foote RPT 

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