[CAUT] Bluthner string scale

McNeilTom@aol.com McNeilTom@aol.com
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 13:49:10 EST

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Hi, Don -
I think it would be worth a call to Jim Reeder, RPT at 517-886-9447.   He's 
the US importer for Bluthner, a fine and very experienced rebuilder, and a  
good friend of mine.  A phone call is more likely to get an answer for you  than 
contacting him through his web site _www.reederpianos.com_ 
(http://www.reederpianos.com) .  When you talk  with him, please give him my fond regards!
~ Tom McNeil,  RPT ~

Vermont Piano Restorations
346 Camp Street
Barre, VT  05641


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