[CAUT] Miking pianos

Phil Bondi phil@philbondi.com
Wed, 30 Nov 2005 17:42:46 -0500

I will only speak with some confidence about one D I service:

They use 2 AKG 414's taped to the underside of the lid. They're not side 
by side, and I couldn't tell you exactly where they're placed.

I have heard recordings using this technique, and I told the sound 
engineer that I thought the sound could be a little 'fuller, more 
round'. This was a few years ago now. He agreed and has been working 
with minute changes in placement, but I haven't heard any recordings 

414's are pretty much industry standard as far as microphones and 
pianos. As far as 'road' pianos..I won't go there!

-Phil Bondi(Fl)

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