Hey, Zeno, Now you really need to talk to Yamaha! No way a new piano should have that problem. Regards, Ken Z. -- Ken Zahringer, RPT University of Missouri School of Music On 3/1/07 11:55 AM, "Zeno Wood" <zeno.wood at gmail.com> wrote: > Hey everyone, > Thanks for all your advice, it's been very helpful. I muted off the string > for a couple of days while the professor had non-stop meetings, and now I got > another chance to take a look at it. Taking RicB's advice, I thought about > why this is happening, and compared it to another P22. The upper half of the > bass strings have less clearance over the plate at the point it crosses the > treble string hitchpins. It seems there are 2 cracks in the soundboard, one > of them just above the bass bridge. There's no downbearing at the upper part > of the bass bridge, and I'm going to take a look at the soundboard crown. > > Thanks, > Zeno -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/20070303/eba25191/attachment.html
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