Hey everyone, Thanks for all your advice, it's been very helpful. I muted off the string for a couple of days while the professor had non-stop meetings, and now I got another chance to take a look at it. Taking RicB's advice, I thought about why this is happening, and compared it to another P22. The upper half of the bass strings have less clearance over the plate at the point it crosses the treble string hitchpins. It seems there are 2 cracks in the soundboard, one of them just above the bass bridge. There's no downbearing at the upper part of the bass bridge, and I'm going to take a look at the soundboard crown. Thanks, Zeno On 2/25/07, RicB <ricb at pianostemmer.no> wrote: > > Hi Zeno > > Oddball problem to be sure. That said it should be no problem to file > down the hitch pin enough to get it out of the range of the bass > string. I'd be more interested in looking more closely at why this is > happening in the first place. Could be harmless enough... but one never > knows until one knows as it were. > > Assuming its just a harmless oddball exception: > > Remove a couple bass strings, file down the top of the offending hitch > pin a couple mm's and chalk it off as good PR. Shouldnt cost you more > then a few minutes of your time. The teacher will appreciate you > bypassing the redtape and thats probably worth more then the time it > would take to do the fix. > > Cheers > RicB > > > > Hello list! > > I've been lurking for a little while, ever since I started working at > a > college. I'm wondering if anyone could help with a problem I found. > > A professor emailed me that she had a broken string on her Yamaha > P22 (yes, > it's part of a loan program), G#2. I checked it out - the string > isn't > broken. When played, the speaking length of the right string buzzes > against > the hitchpin directly below it (that is, a hitchpin for one of the > treble > notes). It sounds pretty cool, but not too piano-like. Turns out > that > there are 5 other strings that do the same thing, but they have to > be played > a lot louder. I thought back to when I tuned this thing back in > October or > so, and didn't remember finding this problem. But now it's February > and the > RH is nil. But none of our other P22s do this. > > What do you think? How can this be fixed? Should it be fixed? > It's not > our piano, so it'll go back to Yamaha to be sold after the spring > semester. > > Thanks for any ideas, > Zeno Wood > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/20070301/36be2a1c/attachment.html
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