Richard, It sounded nice, but not exceptional. The most interesting thing was seeing being moved. The piano can't be put on it's side and they had to bring a flatbed tow truck to move it. It was put in a moving box kind of thing. It sure looked like a lot of work. Marcel Carey, RPT Sherbrooke, QC -----Message d'origine----- De : caut-bounces at [mailto:caut-bounces at] De la part de Richard Adkins Envoyé : 3 mars 2007 15:23 À : caut at Objet : Re: [CAUT] Rubenstien Piano Thanks, it is hard to tell from the pictures. I guess the "agraffe" I think I see on the bass bridge is merely part of the exposed front notch. I find it hard to believe this guy did all this by himself, not being a trained piano craftsman. If someone has acutally heard it, I'd be interested to know what they'd say it sounds like. Thanks for all the replies... Richard -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
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