Alan, I just saw an ad that offered a new design from Apollo which apparently will use air supply from wither a turbine or a compressor. Says it's really fine atomization. Perhaps worth a look. Greg Newell At 01:16 PM 3/6/2007, you wrote: >Hey Folks, > >I'm looking into buying an HVLP system and thought I'd see if anyone has >some advice or experiences to share about these systems. I have a regular >compressor but no spray gun of any kind at the moment. > >Thanks for your thoughts. > >Alan > >-- Alan McCoy, RPT >Eastern Washington University >amccoy at >509-359-4627 Greg Newell Greg's Piano Forté 216-226-3791 (office) 216-470-8634 (mobile) 2003,04,05 & 06 winners of Angie's List Super Service Award
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