It was Decals Unlimited that carried the dolly. I'm not sure if it is still available. Phone 651-429-4465 What's the size of the grand? Paul C Subject: Re: [CAUT] Spider dolly Hey, Ed, I don't think I've ever seen a curved-leg spider dolly. We have a concert grand on a Colson dolly here, and I painted it last year with a couple of cans of semi-gloss black Rustoleum. I covered the casters with some plastic sacks, took it apart, and painted it outside. It looks great - vast improvement over battleship grey. I have a little grease gun that takes the 3 oz tubes. I use multipurpose lithium grease on all our artist benches. Also on the casters on the big spider dolly our Bose sits on. Regards, Ken Z. On 3/7/07 12:21 PM, "Ed Rea" <Erea at> wrote: Is the black, curved-leg spider dolly still made? Who is the vendor? Any suggestions regarding having a Colson dolly painted? Thank you for providing information. Additionally, what do you recommend to lubricate the mechanism in an artist bench? Ed Rea Bob Jones University Greenville, SC -- Ken Zahringer, RPT University of Missouri School of Music -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
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