I think we bought the last 2 concert grand dollies they had 4 years ago...very pricey but the best dollies I've ever seen. In addition to being very nice looking, the steel is at least twice as thick, coated with some kind of rubbery paint to keep it acoustically dead and there is no discernable flexing. Too bad they aren't made anymore (to my knowledge). Eric Wolfley, RPT Head Piano Technician Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music University of Cincinnati ________________________________ From: caut-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:caut-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf Of Paul Chick (Earthlink) Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2007 10:25 AM To: 'College and University Technicians' Subject: Re: [CAUT] Spider dolly It was Decals Unlimited that carried the dolly. I'm not sure if it is still available. Phone 651-429-4465 What's the size of the grand? Paul C Subject: Re: [CAUT] Spider dolly Hey, Ed, I don't think I've ever seen a curved-leg spider dolly. We have a concert grand on a Colson dolly here, and I painted it last year with a couple of cans of semi-gloss black Rustoleum. I covered the casters with some plastic sacks, took it apart, and painted it outside. It looks great - vast improvement over battleship grey. I have a little grease gun that takes the 3 oz tubes. I use multipurpose lithium grease on all our artist benches. Also on the casters on the big spider dolly our Bose sits on. Regards, Ken Z. On 3/7/07 12:21 PM, "Ed Rea" <Erea at bju.edu> wrote: Is the black, curved-leg spider dolly still made? Who is the vendor? Any suggestions regarding having a Colson dolly painted? Thank you for providing information. Additionally, what do you recommend to lubricate the mechanism in an artist bench? Ed Rea Bob Jones University Greenville, SC -- Ken Zahringer, RPT University of Missouri School of Music -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/20070308/622c2cb4/attachment.html
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