Avery I think it's a combination of everyone. It includes part timers make less than $10,000, and full timers making over $100K. But what the university need to consider when looking for a tech is if they want someone with the knowledge and experience to take care of quality instruments at the school, they are not going attract someone with a less than average salary. Most seasoned techs who would be qualified are making in the $50 - $75 range. Wim Quoting Avery Todd <atodd at uh.edu>: > Wim, > > I knew there was a newer one but I'd forgotten it wasn't CAUT that > did it. > I'll check it out. > > But isn't that salary for those who are self-employed? Or is it a > combination > of that AND university techs. > > Thanks. > > Avery > > At 12:00 PM 3/14/2007, you wrote: > >Avery > > > >The PTG Conducted a survey last year. You can review it yourself, > by > >going to the PTG web site. (www.ptg.org), and clicking on > Resources, > >and then 2006 survey. You will need your member id and a password. > (If > >you don't remember them, contact Sandy at the home office). > > > >The Survey has all sorts of information, including income. The > direct > >answer to your question, "The average gross receipts from piano > >related activities during the past year was $51,289." > > > >Wim > > > >Quoting Avery Todd <atodd at uh.edu>: > > > > > List, > > > > > > I just looked at the CAUT page with the survey results on it and > it > > > was dated 2002. It said the app. salary of respondents was $39, > 733. > > > > > > Wasn't there some kind of full-time salary type survey done more > > > recently? As you know, I'm retiring soon and I'm trying to get > them > > > to upgrade the salary here. Actually, the Director is trying to. > > > Whether he'll be able to get approval or not is a different > subject. > > > > > > Thanks. > > > > > > Avery Todd > > > University of Houston > > > > > > > > >Willem Blees, RPT > >Piano Tuner/Technician > >School of Music > >University of Alabama > >Tuscaloosa, AL USA > >205-348-1469 > Willem Blees, RPT Piano Tuner/Technician School of Music University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL USA 205-348-1469
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