On Mar 16, 2007, at 12:58 PM, Keith Roberts wrote: > There is also the possibility that it is the wire itself. There is also the possibility that the false beats could be caused by the bridge depressions caused by the wire. I've had a few unisons that would only get worse and worse with normal string seating techniques, and I've attributed it to creating too deep of a depression at the point where the string makes termination with both the bridge and bridge pin. I think Susan's and Fred's comments about voicing might be more relevant than false beats. I have a theory that different ears hear different frequencies more prominently, and what might not stand out to my ears might jump out to someone else's, and vice versa. Also, what he's hearing from the keyboard will differ greatly from what the audience is hearing. I think a lot of artist's don't realize just how much different it is. By inserting the mutes, he may be doing his audience a great disservice. Jeff Jeff Tanner, RPT University of South Carolina -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/20070316/2d759709/attachment.html
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