Mark, If the tray pins are the same height and the back of the tray is level, check for tray warp. This is most likely to happen with the presence of a tray return spring at one end causing the opposite end to warp upward. If that is ever the occasion reposition the spring to the opposite end of the tray and allow it to unwarp. I wish you well. Dan Gurnee, HSU Ret. On Mar 14, 2007, at 10:39 AM, Mark Cramer wrote: > Hi List, > > I've recently done some damper regulation on several Baldwins and > noticed > the damper tray higher by a good 1/8th" in the Bass. > > As a result, in order to get good timing with the keys, the end felts > have > all been shimmed to match the slope. > > I want to replace key-end felts and would rather not duplicate this > uh, er.. > "feature." > > Any good reasons why I shouldn't make new pivot blocks and level the > tray? > > Is the tilted tray a deliberate Baldwin "feature," anyone know? > > thanks, > Mark Cramer, > Brandon University >
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