Hi Fred.. Yes. Getting the levers at even height is the immediate goal here (what you refer to below). That and making sure this height yields proper key lift timing. We used their aluminum straight edge tool for key leveling on the underside of the levers to get a straight line, adjusting capstans as necessary. But whatever gets you there... BTW the Spurlock bean bag idea looks kinda interesting... has anyone tried one of these ? Cheers RicB But I think I now see that what you do is set samples (only tightening those wires, the others all being loose), then raise the lift tray to meet the samples (and block it in place), then adjust all the other capstans, which are resting on the lift tray, so that the bottoms of the underlevers are in line with the straightedge (the capstans are raising - or lowering - their respective levers to be in line, with the lift tray as the "gauge" or base, and the samples as the reference). Now you tighten all the other wires, and proceed with standard twisting, tweaking and whatnot.
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