[CAUT] Piano juries on concert instruments

Susan Kline skline at peak.org
Mon Jan 4 12:35:49 MST 2010

Hi, Jeff

I think this probably depends on which administration we're talking
about. Also, does the music department head write the ads for filling
tech vacancies, or does some "human resources" bureaucrat who is a
close relative of the beancounters do it?

The musicians we serve and interact with may have little or no
input into the "official" vacancy ads and job categories.

A few years ago, OSU bought two new Steinways, a B and a D. You
can get an awful lot of copiers for that much money.

Susan Kline

>----- Original Message ----- From: "Susan Kline" <skline at peak.org>
>To: <caut at ptg.org>
>Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 12:47 PM
>Subject: Re: [CAUT] Piano juries on concert instruments
>>What we do is a strange hybrid of physical and mental work, with
>>a strong component of enlightened interaction with musical
>>people: faculty, students, and visiting artists. None of
>>this is true of someone who fixes the lights or the photocopier.
>...and yet, we are viewed no differently by administration. This is 
>evidenced in so many job descriptions falling into job 
>classifications where the piano technician is side by side with the 
>HVAC techs and carpenters, as well as the fact that more is spent 
>per inventory value on maintenance of copiers than on pianos.
>It is great that we see ourselves the way you describe. But we are 
>apparently the only ones who do.

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