[CAUT] Best (and Worst) Jobs‏

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner at msn.com
Sat Jan 9 20:04:13 MST 2010

>There was a time that piano tuners and sculptors had the most job>satisfaction. I don't know where I heard that...maybe that has>something to do with rock solid tuning... David Ilvedson, RPTPacifica,>CA 94044


There was a great book by a journalist, Studs Terkel, called _Working_ . He travelled the country, interviewing people about their job satisfaction and employers about how they treated their employees. Interesting how differently the two parties looked at the same situation.

I only remember two people who liked their jobs in that book:a waitress and a piano tuner. Lucky me, I've been both--and have liked both.

Diane Hofstetter 		 	   		  

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