[CAUT] Piano Mechanics class

Paul T Williams pwilliams4 at unlnotes.unl.edu
Mon Jan 11 12:21:05 MST 2010

Hi All,

I'm wondering of your CAUTers that teach a basic piano mechanics class on 
how many students you usually have.  This year, I have 6 signed up.  The 
most I've ever had at once, and I'm wondering how to keep all 12 hands 
busy at the same time.

I don't lecture in front of the classroom a lot, but rather, do a lot of 
hands-on teaching while explaining what I'm doing and then have them do 
it.  Two years ago, I had 4, which was sort of chaotic for me.  I really 
like 2 or 3, but 6!!?? The tuning basics was the hardest to monitor.

I've developed a good plan of topics for them to learn and two "projects" 
they will be working on is a Yamaha U-1 for the first few weeks after 
teaching nomenclature, piano care, basic action functions and regulating 
on models. After the Yam, one of the grands from a practice room that's 
coming back with a new soundboard in a month or two.

Since this class only meets for an hour twice a week, I won't be able to 
get really detailed on just one aspect of tuning, regulating, or 
repairs/rebuilding, but I want to touch on as much as I can.

Am I making this too "cluttered"? I would like your input as to focusing 
on fewer topics, cover a spread of everything on the table, or something 
in between.


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