[CAUT] Chopin 1 piano concert

Richard Brekne ricb at pianostemmer.no
Thu Jan 28 03:21:52 MST 2010

Hi folks

Thought I'd share with you a tidbit of a newly recorded concert in 
Bergen by the Philharmonic here in town. The whole concert will be 
broadcast on NRK in March I believe... I'll post a link at the time for 
anyone interested. This is an 11 year old Hamburg with original 
hammers.... I'd like to have them replaced but I think all in all I got 
the voicing to come out reasonably well... just a tad on the bright side 
for my part but then part of this is the piano, and the player... and 
the need to project over the orchestra.  The recording accents the piano 
and in the concert itself it was not quite as dominant as it is in the 
recording... tho to be sure it projected quite well.

This is just a small cut from the ending of the 2nd movement... where 
the instrument really showed some sparkle.  Got a review in the local 
paper... a first for me tho it was kind of indirect... still the 
reviewer referred directly to the sound of the instrument itself and his 
comments were very flattering... if short and sweet.

Here it is in anycase... hope you enjoy this short cut and get to listen 
to the whole concert when it comes through.



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