[CAUT] Chopin 1 piano concert

David Ilvedson ilvey at sbcglobal.net
Fri Jan 29 20:53:04 MST 2010

Hi Ric,

I would be interested in the condition of the hammers, i.e. how many times have they been filed and their shape.   Also talk about your voicing procedure.   I also found it a bit bright and "wet"...reverb?
But the tuning was very good...

I know you have written about your TuneLab procedures, but I'm interested in getting it for my iphone.   I'm use to the point and shoot of the SAT III...of course, listening aurally to octave types, fourths and fifths and making adjustments.   How would you recommend proceeding with TuneLab?  

David Ilvedson, RPT
Pacifica, CA  94044

----- Original message ----------------------------------------
From: "Richard Brekne" <ricb at pianostemmer.no>
To: caut at ptg.org
Received: 1/29/2010 9:15:43 AM
Subject: Re: [CAUT] Chopin 1 piano concert

>Hi Paul

>Thanks for the kind words.... the thing kinda glitters in this section 
>of the concerto, and after the long 20 min. first movement I was happy 
>it still was so clean and clear sounding. I'll see if I can cut out a 
>bit from the end of the final movement so you all can hear the 
>instrument at higher levels of play.  I personally think it was just a 
>tad to hard sounding all in all... but then it had to cut through a big 
>hall and hold its own with the orchestra.... and the 10+ year old 
>hammers dont really allow for both power, brilliance and total lack of 
>harshness all at the same time.... but I got kinda close.

>The entire concerto is going to be broadcast on NRK P2 on the 1st of 
>March at 1930 Oslo time.  Thats GMT +1

>You can access them at  http://nettradio.nrk.no/default.php?kanal=p2


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