Hi Wim! I've never had anything too loose with new parts. More often, too tight where I nearly strip the screw slot! That sounds unusual... It can't hurt to try the superglue thing....it works on tuning pins, so why not? It would be a shame to have to remove the new hammer and start over, but, it might need to happen. Have you asked Kent Webb? Worth him knowing for QA in the factory... Good luck, Paul From: tnrwim at aol.com To: caut at ptg.org Date: 11/09/2011 02:42 PM Subject: [CAUT] loose drops I just put on a new set of S&S h/s/f. About 6 drop screws are so loose that when I try to screw them in, they push all the way through the flange 1. Has anyone else have had this problem? 2. Should I replace the flange, or can I put a drop of super glue on them? Wim Blees, RPT Hawaii -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/20111109/a5dc1cb8/attachment.htm>
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