Excellent confirmation. Dale Erwin RPT- Mason & Hamlin/Steinway/U.S pianos Pre-hung Ronsen hammer sets/Abel parts Sitka Soundboards & Supplies WWW.Erwinspiano.com 209-577-8397 -----Original Message----- From: Mark Schecter <mark at schecterpiano.com> To: caut <caut at ptg.org> Cc: caut <caut at ptg.org> Sent: Mon, Mar 5, 2012 9:05 am Subject: Re: [CAUT] Fwd: Digital recorder was----- Kawai KG-2C hammer... Hey, Dale, I have a very similar machine, also by Zoom, the H4N, and it's great. The built-in mics sound great, and you can plug in two more mics of your choice, or line feeds, and record four channels at once. MP3, CD-quality (16-bit/44.1kHz), and better-than-cd (24-bit/96kHz) recorded to SD card. Multi-track overdubbing, too. I think yours is stereo-only, which should be great for your purpose. Here's a link: http://www.sweetwater.com/mobile/detail.php?itemid=H4N Not suggesting you should change your order, but to help other shoppers ... 8-) Consider measuring mic position (x, y, and z plane), plus piano position relative to walls, for repeatable results. Can make a huge difference in recorded sound. ~ Mark Schecter On Mar 5, 2012, at 7:21 AM, Dale Erwin <erwinspiano at aol.com> wrote: Hi Mario Here's a re-send of the info. Dale Erwin RPT- Mason & Hamlin/Steinway/U.S pianos Pre-hung Ronsen hammer sets/Abel parts Sitka Soundboards & Supplies WWW.Erwinspiano.com 209-577-8397 -----Original Message----- From: Dale Erwin <erwinspiano at aol.com> To: bill <bill at a440piano.net> Sent: Sat, Mar 3, 2012 5:44 pm Subject: Re: [CAUT] Kawai KG-2C hammer shank-flange options Hi Bill The unit is called an Hm-2. It is available from B & H in N.Y. See in formation below B&H Photo ord-status at bhphotovideo.com. Hey I'll try it out and get back to ya. I really want the recordings to sound like THE piano!!!!. If not the emperors new clothes will be returned. Bil,....l thanks for the kind words of a personal nature in regards to Dad. Thanks you to you and all concerned. Soli Deo Gloria Dale B&H Photo & Video Critics' Pick 420 Ninth Ave.,New York, NY 10001 at 34th St. See Map | Subway Directions 212-444-5000 Send to Phone Reader Rating: 10 out of 10 | 2 Reviews | Write a Review Price Range: ($) Budget Dear DALE ERWIN, Thank you for your order. Below is a confirmation of the recent order you placed with us. Shipping Method: UPS GROUND 5-7 DAYS Item Qty Item Description Price Total Price ZOH4N 1.00 H4n Handy Mobile 4-Track Recorder 272.93 272.93 NESCA3250 1.00 3-Year SAGEMAX Protection Plan 24.99 24.99 Subtotal: 297.92 Shipping Charges: 0.00 Taxes: 0.00 Total: 297.92 Dale Erwin RPT- Mason & Hamlin/Steinway/U.S pianos Pre-hung Ronsen hammer sets/Abel parts Sitka Soundboards & Supplies WWW.Erwinspiano.com 209-577-8397 -----Original Message----- From: William Monroe <bill at a440piano.net> To: erwinspiano <erwinspiano at aol.com> Sent: Sat, Mar 3, 2012 12:08 pm Subject: Re: [CAUT] Kawai KG-2C hammer shank-flange options Hey Dale, I'm curious what the recording device is. I've been looking for something that does a nice job of capturing the sound of instruments I've rebuilt, that is very portable, and that doesn't break the bank. I'd be interested in any recommendations, especially from someone with experience in what it is we're trying to record. Thanks, Bill BTW, I'm not real good at social responsibility at times, but I wanted you to know I've been thinking of you and the passing of your Dad. I've never met the man, but knowing you, I can only imagine what an important person he was to you. I know you've had a difficult couple of years, and I just wanted you to know you're thought of here in the Midwest. On Fri, Mar 2, 2012 at 7:22 PM, Dale Erwin <erwinspiano at aol.com> wrote: FWIW,... here is just one comment from a recent client. I'm hoping to have some recordings of pianos with differetn varietys of the Ronsen hammers installed in them. I am waiting delivery for a portable hand held digital recorder recommended by an engineer on recent visit from a S.F. recording studio. Thanks- Dale Jim Carmichael-Piano Teacher Musican S.F. Ca I keep meaning to write to thank you for the work you guys did on my Baldwin action back in September (Ronsen Weickert felt) hammers, shanks, flanges, capstans, etc.). Together with the expert regulation by Mark Schecter the work you did has left me with a very special SF10 which I look forward to playing every day. I hope we can arrange some similar transformation for my 1927 B in the not too distant future.” Dale Erwin RPT- Mason & Hamlin/Steinway/U.S pianos Pre-hung Ronsen hammer sets/Abel parts Sitka Soundboards & Supplies WWW.Erwinspiano.com 209-577-8397 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <https://www.moypiano.com/ptg/caut.php/attachments/20120305/b68ae966/attachment-0001.htm>
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