My legs are giving me a headache.

Robert Goodale
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 19:40:42 -0600

David ilvedson wrote:

> Robert,
> Can't you glue and clamp the leg parts together?  Then drill a
> couple holes for dowels?  You have to do something and you
> got the time...two days?  Repair will get you through the
> recital and Hamburg Steinway can ship a leg in the meantime.

They need the piano for rehearsals and such so there is no time for a
proper repair right now.  I intend to try and make some sort of repair
out of it soon, temporary or otherwise.  In the meantime the university
folks are looking for answers as to what the heck is going on with this
leg, (Can it be fixed, what about a replacement, yada yada yada).
Show biz!

Rob Goodale, RPT
Las Vegas, NV

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