Last month of 1999

John M. Formsma
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 14:35:11 -0600

I think this is correct.  Somebody "official" --i.e. a gov't agency-- has
said that the new millenium begins with the year 2001.  I wish I could
remember the source better, but logically it makes sense, as follows:

This year will make 1999 years since the birth of Christ.  Jan 1, 2000 will
begin the 2000th year of the 2nd millenium.  Dec 31, 2000 will end the 2nd
millenium, and Jan 1, 2001 will commence the 3rd millenium.  However, it is
exciting to be alive right now.  2000 is a big rollover, and with whatever
difficulties Y2K might bring (I don't think much), at least it is not
hum-drum.  :-)

It's amazing that the days have slipped by so quickly, huh?

John Formsma
Blue Mountain, MS

"Looking for the uppertaker, not the undertaker..."

I've actually heard many folks say that the Millennium doesn't officially
until next year and that makes sense to me. After all, we didn't start the
Christian calendar with the year 0, did we?

Just a thought.

Richard Galassini
Cunningham Piano Co.
Phila., Pa.
1 (800) 394 1117

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