Last month of 1999

Tom Cole
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 12:43:22 -0800

VOCE88@AOL.COM wrote:
> I've actually heard many folks say that the Millennium doesn't officially end
> until next year and that makes sense to me. After all, we didn't start the
> Christian calendar with the year 0, did we?

Right. There was no zero in Roman numerals.

And there is at least some question as to when Christ was born. So it
seems like it's all rather arbitrary, especially if you happen to be
Jewish or Chinese.

But there is something exciting about gathering around the odometer of
the family bus as all the nines change to zeroes. No big deal when the
last zero turns to a one. We get excited about the big changes and are
bored by the little ones. 

Thomas A. Cole, RPT
Santa Cruz, CA

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