What would you do?

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 20:42:01 -0600

>...what the hell is the problem with debate on another regulatory
>suggestion in this world.

Go right ahead and debate, Roy.  Gina's remark, was understood by me and
many others I know in its context.  The funny part is, and I hope you can
find this somewhat amusing, PTG members were asked to leave the Pianotech
list in the past and create their own list *because* of discussions such as
this and other political type threads.

Ironic, huh.

And now, here you are, protesting and implying PTG members are hiding
behind closed doors in
an attempt to veil inadaquacies that rear their ugly heads from time to
time.  Pretty silly, Roy, especially when it is the PTG members that made
the list available from the get-go just so you and some others can complain
about how things ought to be, one way or the other.  (My guess is Gina
probably just forgot that non-members could not continue on this subject in
the other forum, and would most likely have re-phrased her comment had it
entered her mind.)

>Or, as a non-member of "The Guild", does my
>opinion have no validity?

Not at all.

>If that's the case I'll gracefully unsubscribe.

I'd hardly call your post as a graceful start, but only as an uninformed
one.  Unsubscribing because you have arrived at some independent
conclusions on your part based on erroneous information, while would be
unfortunate to the Pianotech list somewhat, would ultimately be your loss a
whole bunch.

>Roy Ulrich


Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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