What would you do?

Jon Page jpage@capecod.net
Wed, 01 Dec 1999 22:17:50 -0500

You have the wrong impression. This list is geared to a technical
forum (sometimes painstakingly so to stay on track) and the further
discussion of that topic probably belongs on the dedicated
political/business list: ptg-l.

There is another list for College and University Technicians (CAUT),
which incidentally this list started out as theirs. CAUT moved when
discussions evolved to encompass more then their defined interests.

No secrets, just structure.  It keeps everyone on track.

There is also a list for technicians which is more social in nature.

Stick around, chill out and pull up a chair . . .

Happy Holidays,

Jon Page

At 07:16 PM 12/01/1999 -0600, you wrote:
>There. That's precisely one of the main reasons I have no intention of
>becoming a member of the PTG. What have you got to hide? Do you really have
>to have "political" discussions behind closed doors, for "members only" in
>an attempt to veil inadaquacies that rear their ugly heads from time to
>time? <snip> 
Jon Page,  Harwich Port,  Cape Cod,  Mass.  mailto:jpage@capecod.net

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