Last month of 1999

Wed, 1 Dec 1999 19:27:57 EST

In a message dated 12/01/1999 7:12:43 PM, you wrote:

<<There was no year zero when Pope Gregory XIII introduced the

Gregorian Calendar in the 16th Century but there certainly is one now, and

the new millennium in the Common Era Calendar begins in 2000 CE.">>

 Thanks for some common sense here :-).  
Even if there were no 0 then the year 1 established a point in time didn't 
it? If that point in time were marked 3 wouldn't we only need to back up 
3years to get to 0? Is it so difficult to subtract 1, or twelve Gregorian 
months, and get the year 0. As somebody else has pointed out the exact year 
of the birth of Jesus is uncertain and there is great support for the 
"millineum" having passed three years ago. Also as someone else has said 
"does it make any difference to the Chinese?" 

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