Not joining the guild: was Re: What would you do?

Nancy McMillan
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 07:09:12 -0500

Roy laid into the list thusly:

> There. That's precisely one of the main reasons I have no intention of
> becoming a member of the PTG. What have you got to hide? Do you really
> to have "political" discussions behind closed doors, for "members only" in
> an attempt to veil inadaquacies that rear their ugly heads from time to
> time? Those of you who have jumped through the hoops and earned the right
> display initials behind your signature, congrats - most sincere congrats.
> BUT, when I read posts from "RPT's" that don't know the difference between
> the need for doping from Dampp Chaser I suggest the "title" does not
> necessarily make one and expert.  I run a very busy and profitable
> with the only credentials beign the word-of-mouth recommendations I
> (thankfully) get from my customers. At times I get the impression that
> though your FAQ states that this forum is open to virtually everyone, I
> suggest there are a couple of you that  balk at a name without the RPT
> designation following the signature. This is NOT a shot at anyone who has
> taken the time and energy to obtain a certificate of approval from "The
> Guild", rather, a request for open debate amoung those of us who have
> dedicated our lives to making pianos as good as we can via tuning, repair,
> or restoration. If there is bandwidth for chit chat and poetry from
> etc., what the hell is the problem with debate on another regulatory
> suggestion in this world. Or, as a non-member of "The Guild", does my
> opinion have no validity? If that's the case I'll gracefully unsubscribe.
Besides the other excellent response from Keith, Roger, Dale, and David; I
would like to suggest that you actually do want to join the guild.  With as
much passion and feeling you dicsplaid in your response, your attachment to
the guild and some of its "dirty laundry" is pretty deep.

You might not want us, but the PTG would welcome you with open arms.
There may be 50 ways to leave your lover but I bet you couldn't come up with
50 reasons to not join the PTG.  Send me your list privately no matter how
long or short.


Doug Mahard, Associate

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