underwriter lab (was "What would you do?")

J Patrick Draine draine@mediaone.net
Thu, 2 Dec 1999 08:58:38 -0500

While it's nice that some list members are ambitious enough to imagine PTG
becoming The Piano Police, I think one practical response to the general
situation is to give Larry Fine and Steve Brady, who are working together
on the 4th edition of The Piano Book, plenty of feedback. I recall that at
Kansas City they were looking for survey participants regarding brand new
pianos. I'm sure either of them would enjoy hearing directly from you about
specific and general observations of the quality of new and used pianos,
and that your input would make the book even more useful to the general

Regarding the "Underwriter lab" concept: I recall that shortly after Larry
Fines first edition he received communications from the legal departments
of several manufacturers who threatened legal action if he continued to
publish his (and his survey participants') candid opinions of certain
pianos. I believe the result was that his 2nd edition had an insert
advising readers that certain brands (Samick & Baldwin?) weren't reviewed
due to those legal threats. I think the manufacturers eventually realized
that that was more damning in the consumers' eye than finding that
*certain* models are less desirable.

Larry was pretty unhappy with those legal threats, and generally speaking
PTG Boards and Executive Directors are even more averse to legal suits than
highly motivated individuals

Patrick Draine.

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