Challenge question: Where's the Squeek?

Michael Jorgensen
Thu, 02 Dec 1999 14:29:24 -0400

It absolutely positively must be caused by a hairy artificial grape. A kid
eating a honey sandwich dropped a rubber grape which makes noise when
squeezed into the piano.  The now sticky grape danced on the key end felts
and became hairy and then lodged between the tray and a dag where it was
overlooked as felt?
Really No?

Roger C Hayden wrote:

> This was on my own piano, a 1913 Steinway model O, as yet not rebuilt, a
> soft but audible squeeky sustaining pedal, Steinway O, 1913, all original
> stuff.
> The squeek was pitched at C5, occured on the depression of the sustaining
> pedal, was not in the pedals or lyre mechanism, could be reproduced by
> pushing up on the damper tray.
> It took me 45 minutes to find it, very exasperating, but in 23 years of
> tuning, a 'first timer' for me.
> I'll give more clues later if nobody gets it soon.
> Roger Hayden, RPT
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