Key Dip

Ed Carwithen
Thu, 02 Dec 1999 08:05:26 -0800

If this is an upright....
Before you do anything else with changing the regulation, check the front
and center rail felts, and the back hammer rest rail felt.  
  I had one doing exactly what you describe, and the felts were either worn
to nothing, moth eaten or missing.  New felts, and viola....

My customer has a good old Carl Ecke piano and is complaining that the keys
feel sloppy, yet the bushings are O.K.  The key dip I discovered, is a
whopping 15mm, with the sharps disappearing below the whites when fully
depressed.  The H to S distance is the normal 45mm so the ratio is all to
billy-o.  Any suggestions as to how I can reduce the dip but retain the
checking and aftertouch which are presently both good.  This is probably a
fairly basic regulation problem, but I thought it would be a good
opportunity to put the Forum to the test.  Brian Holden At 08:18 AM
12/02/1999 +1300, you wrote:

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