[Fwd: PTG Member Survey Now "Up"]

kam544@flash.net kam544@flash.net
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 00:53:50 -0600

>...There are many hundreds of members who are not within 75 miles of a
>chapter yet are members of good standing in the Guild.  They are
>called "members at large"...

While I remember that expression from the past, Newton, care to give me a
reference in the current Bylaws where it mentions "members at large"?  I
don't see it, and I'd love to be in error.

And if what you say is true, Newton, about hundreds, further reason for
some changes in the wording of the PTG Bylaws to reflect what already

Reminds me of something Kahil Gilbran wrote in a book called _The Prophet_,
something to the effect "...you delight in laying down laws, yet you
delight more in breaking them...".

Lest *anyone* think for a moment that I don't appreciate the Piano
Technicians Guild (PTG), it tain't so!  It is one of the most valued
affiliations I have in this life.

Keith McGavern
Registered Piano Technician
Oklahoma Chapter 731
Piano Technicians Guild

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