Challenge question: Where's the Squeek?

LTpianoman@AOL.COM LTpianoman@AOL.COM
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 03:15:24 EST

Hi Roger!

I just got in on this and I was going to say the wire rubbing the bushing and 
Ed said that so, that and your clue led me to that as being the answer. When 
you lift the damper by hand, there is no opposing force so there is no stress 
on the wire, but when the tray lifts it, gravity (the weight of the head) is 
the opposing force and stresses the wire just enough to rub the bushing, 
(considering it is corroded or otherwise unregulated)  ...OR... a squeaky 
spring.  ???
See you soon!

Larry Trischetta, Pocono NE

>  could lift several dampers at nearly any part of the tray .... 
>  silence.   Let them all be lifted by the tray.... squeeeeek...
>  That's your clue.
>  PS,   Ed is on the right track . .. . . 

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