Baldwin 6000 full size upright

Delwin D Fandrich
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 08:18:58 -0800

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  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Phil Bondi=20
  Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 5:27 AM
  Subject: RE: Baldwin 6000 full size upright

  Brian, I tuned one a couple of weeks ago at a concert hall here..great =
piano(IMO)..i was told by the dealer that the scale for this piano =
rivals that of the Baldwin R (Del, is this correct?).
  The dealership here doesn't stock any because it "doesn't fit the =
Florida Lifestyle".. he may be right..I'm not involved in sales..but I =
like the piano also.
  I'm one who loves it, Del!


  As I recall -- and I don't have records on that scale -- they used to =
claim that it had the tenor section of the SF-10 and the bass section of =
the Model L.

  I have never checked to see if this was actually the case.

  -- ddf

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