Cutting plates

Delwin D Fandrich
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 08:27:19 -0800

----- Original Message -----
From: <Jlovekeys@AOL.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 1:18 AM
Subject: Cutting plates

> Dear list,  What equipment might be involved in cutting plates?  Any tips
> there?  I promise i wont turn any uprights into spinets.   A welder I'm
> but who knows. Thanks in advance.
> Jim Love
> PTG Associate Member
> MIdland, Tex.

It depends on how much you are going to cut and how many you are going to
cut.  This is like asking, "what equipment might be involved in cutting

If you just have to take off a bit of metal, you might try a small hand
grinder.  If you are wanting to actually cut, say, one strut in half, a hack
saw might do the job.  If you want to cut a bunch of struts, you might
invest in a power hack saw.  Or a metal cutting band saw.  If you are going
to be doing some serious, production cutting you might want to spend a
couple of hundred grand for a water-jet cutter.

So, what is it you are up to?  That will determine just how serious you have
to get about this.

-- ddf

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