
Conrad Hoffsommer
Fri, 03 Dec 1999 10:35:15 -0600


At 07:25 12/03/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>>At 16:08 12/02/1999 -0800, Matthew wrote:
>> >I am in the middle of the Potter piano course.  When I am finished, my
>> >desire is to relocate somewhere else.

>Conrad wrote:
>>Before you move, however, do ALL your homework researching the target area.
>>Housing/transportation costs. taxes, etc.

>While important, this leaves out the most important part: other tuners?
>usual tuning rate?

That comes under "etc.".

Part of thorough homework would, of course, be to get a handle on the going
rate.  One also has to  do a little crystal balling and imagine what kind
of work you want to engage in. Employee? Employee until your own clientele
has reached  "critical mass"?  Self-employed? 

If self-employed, will you hope to do rebuilding, refinishing, restoration.
moving?  Local codes may preclude you from setting up a shop type business
at your home, so part of your homework would be to research the local regs.  

How big is the intended market?  A rural area such as mine may not be able
to easily support another tuner - as someone found out in the past few years. 

i.e. Develop a business plan.

As suggested, this forum could be of great assistance in providing some of
the needed info. Not always directly, but you will certainly be given
directions as to where to look.  Local techs are always willing to tell
horror stories.  (Their own or others.)  ;-}   Contact the local PTG
chapter prez.  If possible, get to a local chapter meeting.   Those other
people will be your competition, but they will also be your friends,
mentors and backups.  Tomorrow is our local chapter Christmas meeting. I
_know_ we will all have fun socializing.  I also know who to go to if I
ever need help.


Conrad Hoffsommer - Music Technician
Luther College			-(319)-387-1204
Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045

"There's nothing remarkable about it. All one has to do is hit the right 
keys at the right time and the instrument plays itself." - J. S. Bach

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